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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Progress Review

Day 3 of 6: We are at mid-point in this class. Time to assess where we are and at our current speed ask if we can hit the finish line. Or maybe we shift the finish line and the make some apps optional, introduce a new app or two and do the RS thing -- relax, enjoy & chill.

Are you making screen snapshots to help document your camera feature choices?

I've revised the Express Yourself iPhone Apps 6 Day handout to reflect a slower pace for the next three classes. Included is a blank page where you can write notes from your own app discovery activities or add apps mentioned by other participants. The last page mentions three apps I use to document my workflow.

The pages of this web site mostly match the revised handout.

Just posted a new video - Seminar Website Tour using an iPhone's tiny screen is a challenge. In this 17:35 minute video you will learn about Safari's three views and two important tips that are universal to other websites as well.