Site for iPhone Photographers involved with Renaissance Society in Sacramento.
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Friday, October 6, 2017
Seminar Description - Spring 2018
This semester we are trying online registration, meaning you might find yourself on the waiting list. Previous participants will be enrolled but new participants will still have to talk to me or email me to be sure they have prerequisite equipment/skills and understand how this studio-participant seminar works. Expect a phone call or email from Melissa before Rendezvous.
New participants - Read and step through the details on the Prep page of this site. Play with your iPhone to check against Prep info - iOS version, available space and apps. Explore information on Apple's Shared Photo Albums - a critical service to support this class. Watch video playlists linked on the Videos page. Later we suggest watching the videos again to see what you missed the first time. Review other pages to see seminar approach. Revised apps will be ready by January 31st and sent by email to registered participants.
Pages revised on 1/18/18.
Seminar description:
This seminar has evolved from leader-led demonstrations to participant-led demonstrations where experienced photographers use multiple iPhone apps to create print-ready multi-layered artwork. in-class demonstrations and online shared albums are our critique and learning platform. Visit our website for activities, demonstration videos, additional information and examples of our artwork at New photo artists should expect to purchase $25 in apps. Requirements: iPhone 6, 7, 8 or X; iOS 10 or 11. This is not a beginner photography seminar. Six meetings on Thursdays, 10 am to noon.
Meeting dates: 2/8/18, 2/15/18, 2/22/18, 3/1/18, 3/8/18, 3/15/18
Location: See online catalog or leader emails
Remember, we often go to lunch after class.