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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Combining and Experimenting

Let your inner child out to play with camera and editing apps. Try things. Learn things. Save stages of your work as you apply new techniques or effects. Explore and realize some images and effects don't work together. Be inspired by what doesn't work! Look back through your Camera Roll/All Photos and find photos that will work as you start again.

Be sure to continue adding your new work to the 2018 Studio album (not the 2018 Trinkets album). Review the posts, add comments and compliments. Encourage peers to experiment with effects you've discovered.

You do not have to wait until an app is introduced in class to start experimenting with it. Our website and activities are sequenced from introduction to advanced apps but you are not locked into this sequence. We will not be an expert in any of the apps we use – our goal is to grow our expertise with these finger-painting gesture-driven technologies. As always, "Touch every button!"

At lunch a new shared album was proposed to capture the additional tools (trinkets) we might consider for our iPhone Photography. Hence, 2018 Trinkets album was created and some items have been added. Upload photos of other possibilities. For example, "Cargo Pants" should not be added, but stylus pens could be included. 🤪🤭🙃