Please review the website AGAIN. For the new folks please review the Prep page and download the Day 1 and Day 2 apps. Watching the videos will help you get up-to-speed. For the repeating folks, watching the videos will be a great warm-up and remind you of some of the features you know but forget to use.
Everyone should print the nine page App Handout so you can take notes and capture app ideas from peers. Also, consider printing the READING VIEW of Cheatsheet page for reference.
Remember - bring your iPhone fully charged. Ditto on iPad if you have one.
If you are on the Waitlist for this seminar, don't be shy about visiting this website often and stay as long as it takes to view the videos and download a few new apps.
Everyone should print the nine page App Handout so you can take notes and capture app ideas from peers. Also, consider printing the READING VIEW of Cheatsheet page for reference.
Remember - bring your iPhone fully charged. Ditto on iPad if you have one.
If you are on the Waitlist for this seminar, don't be shy about visiting this website often and stay as long as it takes to view the videos and download a few new apps.