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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Reboot your home router

In May there were several headlines online and in newspapers about rebooting your router to block new malware. Take a few minutes to unplug your router, wait 1 minute and then plug it in and power it on. It is important to unplug, not just turn it off. Unplugging and waiting a minute before plugging it in again allows the router to drop all connections and start fresh. Read more at PC World. You might also see improved speeds when opening web pages.

Fall 2018 Seminar description

We are ready for Fall Semester:
Six Thursdays beginning Sept. 6
Online registration only - contact leader first once registration opens
Fair Oaks Library Community Room

This seminar has evolved from leader-led demonstrations to participant-led demonstrations where experienced photographers use multiple iPhone apps to create print-ready multi-layered artwork. In-class demonstrations and online shared albums are our critique and learning platforms. Anyone can visit/follow our website for activities, demonstration videos, additional information and examples of our artwork at New photo artists should expect to purchase $25 in apps. Requirements: iPhone 6, 7, 8 or X; iOS 10 or 11, AppleID. An iPad is helpful for editing photos. This is NOT a beginner photography seminar. We continue socializing at lunch after session. 

I hope you are up stretching and sharing your creativity.

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