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Friday, August 21, 2020

Auto App Updates - A Trap?

Time to check your Settings > iTunes & App Store > App Updates ... is this enabled? Or are you in charge of when apps are updated? If you take control of app updates then before updating a critical app plan on reading the reviews and even app developer forums before updating.  

Cynthia just reported that Adobe Lightroom Mobile v 5.4 lost some photos and presets. Oops. The "loss is not recoverable" according to an Adobe engineer's post on the forum. Read the reviews on Adobe Lightroom for iPad v 5.4.1 resolved the bug responsible for losing photos - released 2 days after 5.4.0 with additional language support. 

So this could happen to non-Adobe app users as well. What do you do to protect your cherished images? I often think of our app stacking workflow as: 1) take the shot, 2) take additional shots at other angles, 3) process your best photo using various apps and saving new versions while maintaining image resolution, 4) print or share, 5) save to an archive. 

We have many cloud-based services to store working and final images. Is one service enough? Can you backup to a computer and to a cloud service? 

After all, our iPhones have finite storage space. After processing our best photos and making a backup, take time to remove duplicate or supplemental photos from all devices by deleting them from the Photos app.