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Thursday, July 29, 2021

iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 coming this fall

Some of us are brave and sometimes we are careless. Actually, this applies to drinking cool-aid and updating your device's operating system ... too soon. 

Read the Apple 15 Preview and think how refreshing the cool-aid will be. Messages will stack multiple photos, Safari has a new fresh look, Live Text from any photo or camera image is cool, Photos now has Visual Look Up for more AI magic, Spotlight Search will find photos and more, Photos is also curating our memories in new ways, iCloud+ will replace existing iCloud storage plans and add privacy features ... 

Hidden in the full list of features is this gem: the Photos image picker interface will let us specify the order of photos in Messages ... and other sharing scenarios. 

After Apple announces the public OS is available - for free!, take care to review app updates BEFORE you update your OS. Make sure any critical apps are iOS15/iPadOS15 compatible before updating. 
Go to Settings > General > Software Update >  Automatic Updates > Install iOS Updates > OFF  (now the screen changes to Software Updates > Automatic Updates > Download Only). 

Once your critical/favorite apps have updated, and you have heard from classmates about their successful update experiences then ... go for it! 

The iPhone User Guide online version should reflect the latest info after the big announcement. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Percolator and TangledFX for Summer Play

Cynthia will give us some tips on using Percolator and Melissa will do the same with TangledFX at our August 12th Zoom get-together. These apps are wonderful steps in your workflow. Expect to export several images as you P L A Y with each app. Then you could blend the original and the altered photo in Image Blender or Pixelmator. Why not take the images into a collage app and then into Image Blender. Obviously, iPad storage is the only limitation here! 
Valentine Peter has posted his workflow tips on Flickr 

Some of the images posted to social media encourage us to expand our workflow, making many images and app stacking with more twists. We can be adventurous! Remember, our superpowers are Undo and Delete. 

Get ready to play on 8/12. Create a new album in Photos with example photos. Don't choose your favorites! Add photos with patterns, shapes, strong colors, contrast, landscape and people portraits. By not choosing favorite photos you give yourself license to experiment, push to extremes, go with the flow and let surprise be your guide. Then take your favorite results (capture screenshots of settings) and then apply to your favorite photos. 

Have you tuned into Cocktails with a Curator presented by The Frick Collection? The World program - July 23, 2021 fast forward to 40:12 to hear Karen Michelle discusses how this virtual event is coming to a close. But the recordings are still available. Chardin's Still Life with Plums is one of the offerings. 

Chalk It Up - Labor Day Weekend

Thanks to Karen for reporting that the three-day art and music festival for 2021 is back on! This is a fabulous photo opportunity! Just think of how many camera modes you can use wandering one square block! Think of the storytelling and collage opportunities. 

September 4, 5 and 6 at Fremont Park and other locations around Sacramento. 
My plan is to always go early each day while the temperatures are cool. Music, food trucks, vendors, and, the best of all, fun art appears before your eyes. 

Checkout the Chalk It Up Gallery 

"Chalk It Up! aims to empower and support the next generation of Sacramento artists through targeted art grants for young artists and the programs that inspire them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Summer Presentation

Beware when Allan Keown calls to request a summer presentation on smartphone photography. 

Well, it all worked out because Cynthia agreed to share the opportunity to show off some of the work inspired by this seminar. 

Checkout Spontaneous Creativity - Smartphone Photography page for the recording link and responses to questions posted to Chat.  Our audience was a mix of Android and iPhone users.