Also for Mac/iOS users who have friends and family that use Windows. In our studio we use Shared Photo Albums and you'll want to read about cross-platform features.
Site for iPhone Photographers involved with Renaissance Society in Sacramento.
Select Pages
Sunday, August 22, 2021
iCloud for Windows users
Apple has an online resource, iCloud for Windows User Guide, that should be required reading for anyone using a Windows computer. This guide provides links to download iCloud on your computer.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Nice of you to drop by
Welcome! This is the website, actually a blog, for the Renaissance Society iPhone Photography Studio seminar. Our website is open to all who find this nook of the Internet. While active participants in the seminar will be the source of postings here, we welcome others to dive in, follow along and build your iPhone Photo Library into an amazing resource.
Two resources to help you "see" what this seminar is all about:
- Checkout the digital galleries from past semesters posted on YouTube to get an idea of what we do in this class.
- Watch the summer presentation by Cynthia and Melissa about Smartphone Photography.