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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Today At Apple

We are fortunate to have two Apple Stores in our area. Also lucky that they are in two different counties with different rules for business operations in the era of COVID. 

Open up your iPad and the Apple Store app. On the left sidebar is Sessions. Many topics are offered online and some in-person - at the Roseville Galleria location. 

Near the top of the page is a blue locator arrow with Apple Arden Fair listed. Tap to see the Apple Roseville listed under Nearby Stores then tap Apple Roseville. Tap on a topic of interest to see dates offered. Tap the blue Sign up button to register for these free sessions. 

Here's one: Art Skills: Sketching Ideas in Notes. "Using the Apple Pencil and the Notes app on iPad ... combine drawing, handwritten text and color." Hey, we did a similar activity with Cynthia's guidance.

Explore all the sessions, even the ones for kids. I found the Apple Camp Field Guide created with storytelling motif combining several activities.  

Traveling? You can find Sessions around the world. Maybe your friends and family have questions and you can find the Apple Store near them. You attend here and they can attend there. Try connecting with FaceTime or a cellular call.