Site for iPhone Photographers involved with Renaissance Society in Sacramento.
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Monday, October 31, 2022
High Res without iPhone 14 Pro
Sharing a project with strangers
Here is a workflow I do not expect to use often: a photo shoot for strangers. Well, strangers with puppies.
So I'm taking RAW + JPEG photos of a puppy class and then want to make the photos available for the people participants via a website. I will use the Photos Shared Albums public link feature.
Download the RAW images to computer and open in DXO Photo Lab 5 for some shadow and highlight correction (in lieu of Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop). Export 92 images uncrossed to JPEGs at 90% quality and file size remains 5-to-9MB.
In Photos, create a new Shared Album. Drag and Drop from Finder directly to Shared Folder does not work. So Drag and Drop to Photos Library first, select all photos from shoot and drag to Shared Album. Now, can delete from Photos Library. In settings for Shared Album, enable Public Website option and copy the link. Send the link to someone in class to test and if successful, send link to event coordinator to distribute to all participants.
P.S. - Sharing the photos in a folder in the Files app was awkward. Not recommended for multiple images, would work OK for a document, spreadsheet or presentation file.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
iOS 16.1 and iPadOS 16.1
This last week I've archived my unique databases just in case the apps won't work on the latest mobile operating systems. Did not need to worry because the apps are working fine - even though one developer is no longer in the App Store and another has not been updated for 4 years. Just being safe!
After updating all this feels new again and the search for changes begins. Read the articles, read the app reviews (sort by latest) and then poke around the interface.. Look at the Settings app - changes always pop up here. Look at your favorite apps to see how they interact with the Photos Library. Notice the changes in the Share Sheet listings!
Please keep your discoveries in a Notes page or scribble on Post-Its for future discussions.
Relating to workflow, MacWorld: Four iPadOS 16 features that will have a huge impact on your productivity article mentions Stage Manager for multitasking, collaborative document editing and "desktop quality app" features. It will take time for developers to "implement the customizable toolbar, system-wide find and replace, consistent undo and file name control in the Files app."
With iPhone 14Pro and ProRAW there is much to discuss about 48 megapixels and what can you do will all that data. Read NatureTTL article Megapixels: How Big Can You Really Print a Photo? for a simple chart comparing megapixels and print size. While you are there, read How to Print Photos: A Photographer’s Guide because, why not? Other articles on this site are of interest to photographers.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Seminar Description for Spring 2023
Draft - submitted on 10/12/2022
iPhone Studio - Multimedia Collective
Past studio enrollees are encouraged to register as this seminar transitions into participant-led activities oriented towards video production. Continuing to use familiar apps and expanded studio workflow, this semester we add emphasis on the iMovie app. Online shared albums are our critique and learning platform. While six meetings are scheduled for Zoom, presenters may plan in-person photo walks instead. Our public website continues to provide informative articles, demonstration videos, and examples of our artwork at