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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Troubleshooting - Time to Team Up

This post will get updated over the next couple months. 

Just an idea here. It is good to compare notes, or in the case of iPhone photographers - compare devices. This certainly means compare your iPhone to your iPad, but also find a friend with both devices and compare settings in individual apps and the Settings app. 

Charlene and I are out of sync. That's been true for months. We are in a loop and don't know how to fix the mismash. Today we began a documentation process. While this is not strictly a photographic dilemma, troubleshooting is a universal activity. Here goes: 

The Messages app relies on the Contacts and Phone apps to reach associates, businesses, family and friends. Oh what a tangled web we weave. When our iCloud is working as designed, communication is seamless. When a service that uses iCloud gets confused then seamlessness is lost. 

Maybe the first step is to power off devices and restart. One last step I would want to do is sign out of iCloud and sign back in -- and certainly this is not a quick fix option (think reload Photos Library). 

The Phone app allows us to designate Favorites, the people in our Contacts that we communicate with most often. On iPhone, open Phone app > Favorites > + > search for a contact card > tap the name > choices: Message, Call, Video and Mail ...  

People used to send pictures as email attachments. Now, we can "text" pictures using Apple Messages. Check Settings > Messages > Send & Receive ... 3 addresses > phone number,, - with checkmarks. Also designate the accounts to start conversations. Many more settings for review here. 

When Charlene sends me Messages they appear on both my iPhone and iPad (and on Mac computer). When sending as an email, she gets the mail and attachment on both devices. But when I send her Messages, some appear on just one device. Why? 

New troubleshooting practice for me is to include text "sent to your phone number from my iPad/iPhone using XXapp" where sometimes I'm in Photos and sharing an image to Messages while other times my communication begins from the Messages app. Does it make a difference where the communication begins? 

If you struggle with an Apple device or service for more than 5 minutes, call a friend to commiserate. If the issue is not fixed after discussing for 5 minutes, use the Apple Support app to troubleshoot. If the mystery continues, use the options in the Support app to Chat (text) with Apple team or to get a phone call back from a live person. Troubleshooting sometimes is best done via a genius bar appointment at an Apple Store. When possible take all your devices to the genius - iPhone, iPad and laptop. For computer troubleshooting, use Apple Support online services until you're told to bring in the computer.

Another option for troubleshooting is to read questions and responses under the Apple Community arena. It is a good idea to sign up to participate in this community dialogue. Write questions or, better yet, contribute answers and experiences to posted items. 

Now for more notes... 
  • Does the break in communication happen with more than one friend? 
  • Make Screenshots to compare contact details, add Markup notes, save to Photos library 
  • Make Screenshots of before changes, add Markup notes, save to Photos library 
  • After making changes to app settings, restart devices
  • Make Screenshots of after changes, add Markup notes, save to Photos library 
  • When iCloud is uncooperative, go to and confirm you can log on
  • Read Support articles 
  • Contact Apple Support 
After every iOS and iPadOS update there are many subtle but powerful changes under the hood of Apple apps. Usually I'm interested in updates to Camera and Photos. But the OS touches all apps - Settings, Mail, Messages, Contacts, Calendar, Files, Safari, Watch, Books, Notes and so many more. Then 3rd party developers add new features and rearrange the user interface. All of these changes are what keeps our brains agile.