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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 4 Activities

This is a classroom demo and work day. The three apps we use are Big Lens, Color Splash and introduce Leonardo. On the Videos page you can see quick introductions to these apps.

I have a fun slide show to share about how layers and editing techniques in Leonardo will help you be wild and crazy (as if you need help!).

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Where are my pictures?

I asked you to use two or three camera apps in Class 3, and two of them have an in-app gallery that might hide shots you've taken. Especially Camera+. vividHDR also has a gallery but my suggested settings saved to Camera Roll and it's gallery.

Galleries allow you to edit your photograph or make several version of a photo then save to the Camera Roll where the real workflow begins.

In Camera+ look in the lower left corner for a daisy-like flower icon, tap it to open the Lightbox (aka in-app gallery). In vividHDR swipe from the left edge of the screen to reveal your saved photos.

Our site now has a new page called Videos where the Playlists will be updated. This one page will make it easier to find new videos or watch reruns on demand ;-)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Class 6 Show & Tell

Meeting location TBA

We will have a show and tell session - where participants email me two pictures - Before and After. The Before shot will be simple, a photo taken with any camera app before any adjustments (even cropping). The After shot will be edited, enhanced, stylized or modified in some manner with any iOS app or computer application. Please do not add a watermark to identify your photographs.

Submit by Monday, May 8th at 6 pm so that I can print the pictures.

During class session 6 we will look at the photos and through secret ballot choose 1st and 2nd most interesting photographs. Prizes will be awarded! Everyone goes home with their prints.

After the voting, the telling part where you claim your photo and tell the steps to produce the After photograph.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Day 3 Activities

After a demo or two, you will break into teams of three to use your iPhones at five stations setup around the room. Suggestions on what apps to use and the camera settings to try will be posted. Teams will rotate to at least three of the five stations in 45 minutes.

(By request) Bring your tripods, lenses, cases and other hardware supporting tabletop photography. Be sure your devices are fully charged before class begins.

The photographs you take will be used in Classes 4 & 5 to explore selections, masks, layers, and blending modes.

A review of posting to Shared Photo Albums will be included.

Do you have a project in mind?

Brief discussion of the editing processes you often do on your photos (using a computer or mobile device).  For example: Crop, straighten the horizon, adjust contrast, saturation ... Some have iPhone 6s, 6s+, 7 and 7+ devices and can shoot RAW images. What have you learned about iPhone RAW quality and editing (on your computer)?

Demonstration of TouchRetouch for removing distractions in your photos.

Demonstration of Snapseed for editing color image and converting to black and white. The online help for Snapseed covers most features, but it is an ever-evolving app and new features are added constantly. Included is a detailed page on RAW image processing.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Progress Review

Day 3 of 6: We are at mid-point in this class. Time to assess where we are and at our current speed ask if we can hit the finish line. Or maybe we shift the finish line and the make some apps optional, introduce a new app or two and do the RS thing -- relax, enjoy & chill.

Are you making screen snapshots to help document your camera feature choices?

I've revised the Express Yourself iPhone Apps 6 Day handout to reflect a slower pace for the next three classes. Included is a blank page where you can write notes from your own app discovery activities or add apps mentioned by other participants. The last page mentions three apps I use to document my workflow.

The pages of this web site mostly match the revised handout.

Just posted a new video - Seminar Website Tour using an iPhone's tiny screen is a challenge. In this 17:35 minute video you will learn about Safari's three views and two important tips that are universal to other websites as well.

Friday, April 7, 2017

How to transfer files back to your iPhone

This new video is targeted to Windows computer users in class and still a good lesson for Macintosh computer users.You could say: "There's an app for that."

New video> Transfer photos from iPhone to computer and back. In the safety of your home network, use the Photo Manager Pro app to turn your iPhone into a web server. Open a browser on your computer and type the PMP displayed web address. Create folders, download photos from iPhone to computer and upload edited photos back to your iPhone so you can post to our Shared Photo Albums.

Hardware options ...
There are two types of USB flash drives that will work on iOS devices and computers. SanDisk is a reputable product, look at their new iXpand Flash Drive with a Lightning and USB connectors.  Storage sizes range from 16 to 256GB and will fit without removing protective cases. Online price of 32GB iXpand at Best Buy is $40. Also check out the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick for wifi connectivity up to three devices. Online price for 32GB at Best Buy is $28.

There is strong brain power in our class and more ideas will bubble up. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Take Control eBooks on Photos

Great discount offer on Take Control eBooks this week. They are great references at full price and 50% off might encourage you to get two or more! Current sale ends Sunday, April 9th.

Read book descriptions here. Explore the entire library of Take Control books here.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

iPhone User Guide Notes

Reviewing the iPhone User Guide, a free iBook, for information related to photography, camera use and sharing images is condensed to 10 pages. Read my notes from this guide or re-read this guide. You are guaranteed to find new information and solve some of the mysteries of iOS devices.

The link above was added on 4/19/17 and should go to user guide for the 10.3 iOS. By the time you visit this link the iOS will have updated. Look at the titles for the user guide and pick the one for your iOS.