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Friday, December 31, 2021

Check for recent app updates

December 2021 - the New Year is upon us

Zoom - online meetings, Camera+2, ProCamera, Snapseed (Dec 17), Prisma, Darkroom, Dropbox, Waterlogue, Metapho, Pic Scanner Gold, PicCollage and more. 

I waited along time before updating Snapseed after reading recent reviews four months ago. First updated on iPhone and test edited an image. The sample features all worked. So I've updated Snapseed on iPad Pro as well. Baby steps when updating a critical app. Snapseed remains a free app. 

Halide Mark II is moving to subscription and I’ll be deleting it because many of our other camera apps shoot RAW. 

Some apps continue to work with a reduced set of features while they offer to unlock everything with a subscription. I try to find apps that ask for a reasonable price without subscription. 

After a rash of updates, it might be time to restart device. Just cuz .. 

On the photo walk today, James asked a great question: "How do I know if an app has been updated?" Go to the App Store and search for the app and read the details provided by the developer. 

Do you want to be in-charge of app updates? You have the choice between Auto Updates On or Off. 

  • Go to Settings > App Store > Apps > OFF 
  • Settings > App Store > App Updates > OFF 

Now go to the App Store app and find your account (upper right corner) and tap. Now scroll the screen up to see all the apps that have released new updates. You might update most of the apps without further thought but pause to read about important camera or editing apps. Tap the Update button for a fresh download and install, or tap the name of the app to read about the changes included. Maybe the developer added language support for a language you do not speak ... then no need to update immediately. Maybe the developer included a feature you'd like to use in a stylizing app. Open to the details screen, read the RECENT Reviews and ... take a chance. Try out the app to be sure it is working for you. If you have both an iPhone and iPad, then you can update an app on one device for testing and once satisfied, update on the other device. What? Editing mostly on iPad? Then do your trial edit/stylize app updates on iPhone. 

If this level of control is bothersome, you can tap the Update All in your account view or return to the Settings > App Store > App Updates > ON. 

Past Participants will be enrolled

Mixing things up again. Enrollment for Spring semester will include past participants in iPhone Photo Studio, not newbies. People who are familiar with Shared Albums, the Camera and Editing apps and Zoom environment we use will be enrolled up to 20 participants. 

Feb 3rd is the “Meet and Greet” session which will be offered in-person at a local park or parking garage (anticipating rain) where I can review some of the specifics of camera apps (Camera+ 2, ProCamera and Slow Shutter). 

Shared Album Plan for Spring 2022

I’m learning so much from you. Because you’re creative and patient with my experimenting. So, Spring 2022 will have a modified approach from Tease Me activity: 
1) no more class time wasted in uploading photos
2) no more insisting that teased response images are grouped together
3) additional nudges will be added with each new challenge. “What ‘nudge’ do you have in mind?” you might ask. Something like … Use 3 apps or use an unfamiliar/new app, use an app that’s been neglected. Easy peasy. 

During class I will announce the challenge for the next week. Look at the postings from studiomates and download to process by whatever inspires you. You can get started now by selecting your photos and adding captions!

Step one: Take time to gather UNEDITED images based on this list: 
  • Landscape
  • Macro
  • Shadow
  • Texture
  • Reflection
  • Abstract
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Animal 
When searching back through your Photo Library, use the Caption feature to identify possibilities (“tease-landscape” or “tease-shape” — without the quotes). Use the Photos Search feature to collect photos and move to the Tease Me Album created last semester. Step two: During class, post one photo. Maybe the photos you’ve captioned are edited. I’d like you to post unedited photos. The best way option so far is to keep your edited photo, but use Share > Duplicate the photo and then in Edit > Revert.

It breaks down to just one new Shared Album with our current discoveries and on-going experiments and our Teased Work interspersed. One place to post, anytime.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

iOS 15.2 is Available

This update looks good on my iPhone 13 Pro. Some additional protections and features offered. 

iPhone 13 Pro Macro Photography is getting better. MacWorld article How to master the macro camera on your iPhone 13 Pro will inspire you. But remember Camera+2 has had a wonderful macro mode for ... maybe two years. And a clip-on macro lens is still an exciting window to the small world around us. 

New in iOS 15.2 is Digital Legacy. Read more at and begin to 1) think about it, 2) discuss with other iPhone users, 3) discuss with potential designees (trusted family or friends), 4) RE-READ article and take the first steps … Is it easier just to give someone your Apple ID, password and a credit card to maintain your iCloud files? But will that person share your content as you want? Don't stop at your Apple digital assets, what about other online services you use? 

More Calendar Ideas

Just found Austin Mann's new link for his calendars displayed on a wood tray

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Workflow and Kitchen Sink

Many thanks to Cheryl and Mike for their iColorama demonstrations last week. Took me awhile to find Help - under the Import Photo menu (but it is now missing after a little update). 

By now many of you have jumped into iColorama - with both feet. Because this is not for the timid or someone who wants to put a toe in the water. Did I equate iColorama with kitchen sink (in the old-timer reference of a deep catchall for many things)? 

Several of you have mentioned digging deeper and finding references on social media or YouTube and ... that is just the shallow end of the pool. (See how I am mixing metaphors here, it is a word salad that reflects my frustration with this enormously powerful app.) 

In previous semesters the workflow was described as "app stacking" where an image is stepped through several apps and saved/exported as a new image at each step. My linear lizard brain could grasp that process. But iColorama has such a different workflow ... 

Reflecting on features
  • Photo editing 
  • Filter effects 
  • Styling 
  • Blend modes
  • Painting
  • Masks 
  • History
  • Foreground / Background
Maybe jumping into Painting and Masks was my point of confusion. Or, maybe I've not set aside enough time to play and experiment with iColorama. 

New approach 
Open an image, use the photo editing features to adjust exposure, convert to B & W, etc
Open an image, use any menu and submenu and review the Presets looks
Practice the Apply (adds a Step) feature - aka History
Share > Save / Export (PNG for higher resolution ...?) 

Adopting any new app - thoughts on workflow
  • Create an album of sample images including the original and several effects that show my favorite export images 
  • Mark the images with Caption to report the app and features used 
  • Download a new app 
  • Play with the app - touch all the buttons
  • Find the Help feature and the developer's website 
  • Process sample images 
  • Does the new app mimic previous apps - are the results better or the same? 
  • Does the new app change the resolution of the image? 
  • Compare to app with in-app gallery
  • Compare to app with layers 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Tease Me Lessons

I hope this post doesn't jump the line too far, but the Tease Me activity will show the spotlight on editing possibilities. Maybe. 

We continue to take photographs to improve our eye for the scene and composition of the elements. Camera orientation, landscape or portrait, and position of the horizon change the story. Some of the lessons will encourage us to take more photographs at the moment or return when the light is different. Taking more photos using the various lenses and modes and using 3rd party apps with special features means more curating and deleting - but - better pictures in the long run. 

When we know what retouching can do, then that pole or tin can will not bother the composition. When we know how stylizing can push a drab day into an emotional scene then taking the photo is right. Now. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Photos & Shared Albums - Pro and Con

Some thoughts .... will be updated from time 

What's to love about the Apple Photos app: 
  • Photos are synced via iCloud to iPad and computer 
  • Albums - created and curated by me
  • Albums photos can be sequenced and arranged to tell a story 
  • Search feature with Artificial Intelligence and metadata access 
  • Caption field was introduced in iOS 14 
Struggling with Apple Photos 
  • Interface for 3rd party editing apps is not standard 
What's to love about Photos Shared Albums 
  • Not counted against the paid iCloud storage
  • Keep photos online even when deleted from a device & iCloud
  • Allow comments and likes from shared album subscribers
What is missing in Shared Albums 
  • Search with A.I. image recognition and metadata 
  • Export to Books with subscriber comments 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tease Me - Animal Images

Day 3 - this will be "living things but not plants" are under this Animal unbrella. 

Choose ONE or more of the posted originals to explore a new workflow (or refine a current workflow … where I started). You can use any of the apps we’ve used in class or another iOS/iPadOS app you have discovered. Your edits can use one app or a sequence of apps (called “app stacking”). 

Document your apps using the Captions feature in Photos. In iOS 15 Charlene and I discovered the Caption text will become the Comment text in a Shared Album when posting one photo at a time. But iOS 14 doesn’t transfer the Caption as Comment and it would be helpful to copy the Caption and paste in the Post to Shared Album process, or add as a Comment after posting using paste. 

You might be inspired by the animal and want to stylize the photo - you have probably seen many pet portraits. Maybe the animal you selected has a color that you want to transform into … something new. Also, sometimes the texture or details get our attention. Your final image does not have to be true to the animal. 

Play Process Review (until you all help me clarify …) 
  1. Choose one animal photo to edit/stylize and view it at full screen 
  2. Tap Share > Save Image (goes into your Library at the date of the original image) 
  3. Return to Recents list of photos (current work appears here) 
  4. Look at the photo full screen
  5. Tap Share > Add to Album … under My Albums … tap Tease me (if you made this in class) 
  6. Navigate to Tease Me album, look at photos there to see … no Captions 
  7. Possible to use Retouch app as a Photos Extension to remove distractions … 
  8. Open your edit/stylize app and navigate to the animal photo (interface is different with each app!) 
  9. Make edit/style choices and Share > Save to Photos (or whatever the app says to export/save to Camera Roll/Library) 
  10. Open another edit/stylize app and open the previous stylized image and process then save 
  11. Open the original image and stylize in second app, stylize and save 
  12. Open the edited image full screen in Photos app 
  13. Tap ( i ) to access metadata and Caption field > add Teased 
  14. In the Caption field append your workflow (i.e. Teased Waterlogue > Prisma > crop) 
  15. Add this image to your Tease me album 
During class I will ask for edits on animals - when your animal comes up, be ready to Post to the 2021 Fall Studio Shared Album.
  1. Look at your Tease me album photos in thumbnail view 
  2. Tap Select > Share > Add to Shared Album 
  3. Confirm name of shared album to be 2021 Fall Studio (if not, tap album name and tap to choose 2021 Fall Studio) 
  4. Tap Post to upload 
  5. Use the Comments feature to add additional workflow details as appropriate
  6. Use the Comments feature to ask questions about the posted images 
When stylizing a photo, most apps let you try different effects before locking them into the image. It is not uncommon in my workflow to make five or more new images from a stylizing session. I also get inspired by a stylizing result and want to take a different image through the same process - let’s call this “inspired” and not “distracted.” 

Many apps access the camera and can stylize on the spot. However, there is no getting the original image back. So I recommend always taking photos with camera apps and editing and stylizing later - because you will have the option to export a new image or revert to the original photo. 

We will probably not have renderings of every animal posted. I hope that future photo selections will include an interpretation of the work shared from each participant. 

Thank you for giving us a chance to practice new skills and ways of seeing the world around us.  

Holiday Cards - Use Keynote to Create

Apple has launched their 2021 holiday recommendations and on the Today At Apple page you will find a link to this Keynote slide show with hints on how to add your photos to their designs and how to make new slides of your own design. 

This project goes well with the one page calendar project I’m using to highlight selected photos on my wall at home. The Keynote template document has been linked to the details page. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tease Me! Edit-Repost Activity

(Cynthia is not here to reign me in and I'm going wild on the keyboard... with this title and suggested caption. ) 

I want you to identify several photos for our Edit/Repost Activity. (That would be a better title for this article, but too bland for me.)  

Use the Search feature on you iPhone or iPad to find photos you'd like other participants to edit or stylize. Give these photos the caption: Tease me (Not a caption you might otherwise use ...  ).

Allow the AI to identify the following photos using the Search feature - or review using your own brain power: 
  • landscape
  • lake
  • clouds 
  • sign
  • statue
  • building (stairs, chairs, windows ...)
  • fauna (flower, fern, rose
  • machine
  • animal ( bird, dog, cat, horse ...) 
Tease me sampler caption and search

Click the photo to enlarge

Email message text:  

This activity is a warm-up, a chance to play and experiment, an opportunity to see possibilities through the eyes and skills of others. You might declare that you are a “photographer” rather than “photo stylist." Then someone in class interprets your photo in a stylistic way. Wow. Unexpected. Next photo outing, you begin to see your path differently with new textures, shapes and colors. 

There is freedom in editing images that are not your own. There are times when playing clears the mind and opens the spirit, for then you can begin to create. 

Before Day 2, studio participants will have identified five photos of their own that they would like to edit or stylize but are not sure what direction or app to use. Open each photo and add the caption “tease me” so that Photos > Search can identify it easily. (Practice this skill for all other photo work.) 

Use Photos > Edit > Extensions > Markup to add your name in a visible color to the photo and adjust the font size as appropriate. (Practice using Markup - an essential skill/tool.) 

We will post the photos to our shared album DURING class as directed. Tease Me Challenge participants will download the photos and after class, apply photo edits and stylizing effects to posted images. New versions will be posted DURING subsequent classes. All photos will be posted in individual groups, two on Day 3, three on Day 4 and others on Day 5. Class discussion will summarize photo edits and additional comments added in the shared album. 

Editing and Stylizing do not follow a prescribed order of apps. Go with the flow or the feeling at the moment. Do something outside your usual approach to editing. Break the rules. Remove or hide details. Add something.  

Posted creations will tease all of us to use our apps in new ways. 

REVIEW Crazy Time! Your editing activities will not take as much time as the explanation time of this assignment. Hang in there for posting on Day 3. Photos can be taken with iPhone or another camera.

ANIMALS and TRAVEL are two subjects to include in your postings by Saturday, November 6th.  Return on Sunday to download any photos that look interesting to you. Once you download, select the photos and create a new album called Tease me. 

The photos saved from a Shared Album will not have the Caption text from the original. 

Use any workflow to edit the photos. Save the photo over the original or as a copy (depends on the app you are using to edit). You might edit the photo, merge the photo with another image, create an event poster collage, add a cartoon character ... play! 

In Photos add a new caption Teased. The caption can also include brief workflow hints that can be copied and pasted as comment in the Shared Album. 

During class you will be prompted to add the edited photo to our shared album. As you post, add your workflow comment. 

Thank you for your patience and willingness to try this new twist. All of the brain cells you lost during this introduction will be replace with creative brain cells. Promise! 

Photos - Metadata, Caption & Look Up

iOS 15 has added capability to the Apple Photos app in two important ways. Look at any photo and then swipe up to see Caption, exposure metadata, Map, file type and file name. We can also Adjust the date/time or location of our photos. At the bottom of the screen the ( i ) button is either plain or *( i ) enhanced - where Look Up is offered by Artificial Intelligence. Tap "Look Up" to see what Siri Knowledge reports. 

The most important feature on this swipe-up screen is the field Add a caption. This becomes searchable information. Using the Search feature in Photos will find ... dog, cat, horse, rabbit, bird, umbrella, flower and more. So we do not have to mark every photo a Favorite and then lose it in that bit bucket, or make albums on albums (been there, done that). You will soon discover that some of our editing and stylizing apps write info to the Caption field - very helpful reminders of our workflow! 

We walked through the Settings app for Camera and Photos today. Refer back to the Cheatsheet for the same tweaks. If you see a message with a warning (Cheryl > iCloud Photos) make a note and we will talk about it later, one-on-one. 

We will not have time to dig deep into all these features during class. You will have to become a self-study ninja. You will want to download the Apple User Guide for iPhone and iPad into the Books app and also link to the online versions of the guides. It is best to read the Guides on a tablet or computer if available so you can manipulate the features on your iPhone. 

Use the Books version of the guides for deep reading and personal note taking. The online versions are for quick reference. Read the Camera, Photos, Files, Notes, Mail, Messages .. and other chapters that catch your imagination. 

Get the free Apple User Guide in Books for iPhone iOS 15.1 or iPad OS 15.1
iPhone User Guide online version  
iPad User Guide online version 

Build muscle memory by playing with the many views in Photos. Use Search in Photos and at the Home Screen. 

Photos curates our images automatically. I'm old-school and would like to make my own (convoluted) image management layout like years ago. But, it failed me in the log run so now I'm bending to the Apple-Way of managing photos. Urggh. 

The Library is the timeline of my photos. But often in other apps accessing the Albums > Recents is the easiest way to find an image. Unless, of course, Search is an option in the media browser feature. CONFUSED? Stay tuned, we'll work through this. 

Favorite Apps

Favorite apps is a moment-by-moment thought. Your grasp of the features in any app will expand during this seminar. Our mantra is "Touch Every Button" and when we get comfortable with an app it is time to dig into it's features on a deeper level. Snapseed is one example in my world. This app hasn't changed much over the last 4 years - in terms of user interface and features. But, like a ride at the State Fair, sometimes you want to jump back in line and ride it again and again. This is "app stacking" and until August 2021 this meant different apps. Recently I've discovered that an app can be used twice. Three or more times. An exported version can be reimported and pushed further. 

Look over your App Catalog handout and write names beside the apps listed below. Over the next few weeks, conversations will happen. 

Favorite Apps   more names to follow 
Cheryl - Retouch, Snapseed
JoEllen - Retouch, TuneCam, Waterlogue
Guy - Snapseed
Karen - Retouch, Painnt, PicCollage
Jim - Retouch, Camera+ 2
Diana - Image Blender, Waterlogue
Roe - Paint, Brushstroke, Tangled FX, ProCamera
Carolyn - Photos app edit features, Retouch
Debra - Camera+2, ProCam, Prisma 
John - Apple Camera, ProCamera 
Chad - ProCamera w HDR, Slow Shutter 
Irene - Camera+ 2, Slow Shutter, Waterlogue
Collene - Camera+ 2 macros, Circular, Retouch 
Linda - Camera+2 Waterlogue, Painnt 
Cynthia - Brushstroke, Pixelmator Photo, Carbon
Melissa - apps with layers and in app gallery 

Retouch is the short name for TouchRetouch. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Printing. Print. Show. Again.

While it is wonderful to carry your gallery around in your pocket, there is nothing quite like seeing your photos on the wall or in a photo book on the coffee table. 

JoEllen shared an article by David duChemin - Print Your Work without Printing Your Work from his website Where he offers "Handing my printing over to someone who can do a much, much better job with it means I will have more time to engage with the parts of my craft that I do love." And, in the long run, at a cheaper price too. 

On YouTube there are other Printing Sages offering, a few ... 
Vocabulary Terms: Lens choice & quality, Low light sensitivity, Noise, File type, Sensor size, Photosites, Dynamic Range, Crop, Megapixels, Resolution, Chromatic Aberration, Viewing distance, Paper finish ... 

Are you inspired to make single photo pages with a calendar? I've got a convoluted process using calendar blocks created in Apple Numbers and placed on slides in Apple Keynote. Are you game? Read the Calendar Project - Single Pages article and download the 8x10 Keynote template. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Talking Gear

Karen pointed to an odd quirk - the clip-on lenses used in past semesters are not working in iOS15! Especially the macro lens. Testing is needed - try the clip-on lens and various camera applications. Dig into app settings to see if a feature needs to be enabled or disabled. Watch for comments on websites, blogs and in YouTube channels. 

UPDATE: Use an app that uses Manual mode and add the clip-lens to the 1X lens. Get close, very close! Example apps are Camera+ 2, ProCamera, Obscura, Hydra, Halide, Moment, ProCam, Slow Shutter, Lenka. On the 13 Pro macro will auto focus at close range. The clip-on macro on 1X lens did work for me as well. 

Protect your iPhone with a case. Consider adding a lanyard from Blackrapid - Wander Bundle (recommended by Cynthia) or Youowo Adjustable Lanyard (recommended by Diana).

High-end lens systems are available from Sandmarc (Mike and Charlene) and Moment (Diana, Roe, Cynthia and Melissa). 

Dig around your old camera gear for a tripod. Any tripod. Consider visiting the Dollar Tree (sic) and look for a selfie-stick with a screw-on phone clip. Remove the clip and attach to your tripod. 

Guy asked about specs for a new iPad. Several spoke in favor for the iPad Pro model, and they are happy with the large screen and mid-range on-board storage option. Consider taking your time and watching for refurbished M1 models to appear at the Apple website - as products to appear daily and act fast if you are ready to buy. It is best to visit a store and handle both Pro sizes to be sure of the purchase. An Apple Pencil will help with many photo editing processes. A cover with keyboard is helpful when you're not editing and stylizing photos. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Set ...

Time to review the status of your iPhone and iPad. To help you dig through the settings, use the detailed handout that tracks your current settings and options to help you decide what to jettison if additional storage space is needed. The iOS Device Status (in Dropbox) has been updated for iOS 15 and some of the rows are different than previous semesters. Apple moves features around and adds more controls. 

Ready ...

Meet and Greet on Thursday, October 21st - 10 am to noon. First class on October 28 - 10 am to noon. 

iOS 15.0.2 is working and I’ve not discovered any problems with recommended photo and editing apps. If you have not already updated your iPhone and iPad, go for it. Using all the usual precautions: backup to iCloud, backup critical data from apps, etc. (Do not update Snapseed if already installed. But this might not be an issue - I'm waiting for your reports.)

Cynthia, my Tech Host & Muse, shared Payette Forward, a YouTube channel with three important videos. Watch the videos and consider how you use your devices before taking their recommendations. Tips extending battery life and conserving cellular data are important to photographers. Maybe 5% of these tips are not right for me - at this time. 

iOS 15 Settings You Need To Turn Off Now  - 13:12 

iOS 15 Settings You Need To Turn On Now - 12:34 

iOS 15 Battery Tips - 10:11 

YouTube is a wonderland for couch potatoes surfing for ideas. Luke Edwin is a new resource for me, and his MACRO Photography With iPhone 13 Pro is full of ideas. Check it out at  - No pressure to upgrade your device! Wait for the 14 or 15 models with even more capability. See next item ... 

We encourage each other to print photos. Derrick Story, north bay area photographer / Apple device user / educator, recently posted How I Made a Large Wall Print from an iPhone 6S and his Linked In Mobile Photography: Image Management class is available through the Sac Public Library - 

Monday, October 4, 2021

RS - Introduction to iPhone Photography

You can help other RenSoc members take control of their photography by becoming a “Photography Coach” in the Spring of 2022. Here is a draft of the RS activity - more details to follow. 

Activity Title: Introduction to iPhone Photography
Meetings: 3 Zoom meetings + 1 photo walk in a park setting
Day & Time: Wednesday afternoons
DRAFT Description: Attend Zoom class to learn about Apple Camera features and Settings. Enroll in a small group Photo Walk with iPhone Photography Coaches at a park near your home. Attend Zoom class to learn about editing features in the Apple Photos app. Attend Zoom class to learn about how to organize, share and print your photos. Attend Zoom meetings on a computer/Chromebook/tablet so you can use/practice with your iPhone. 

This activity is directed at basic Apple Camera and Photos features and using iPhone 5 and up. 

After people enroll in the activity, I will ask them to choose a Park Photo Walk location determined by our Coaches. My goal is to have 4+ park locations that will all meet on the same Wednesday afternoon. Anticipating COVID restrictions, Photo Walks will be limited to 10 participants and have at least 2 coaches per site. 

✌Consider sharing your iPhone photography joy. 😍

iOS 15 and iPadOS 15

Well, the iPhone 13’s come with iOS 15 installed and it has been a fun ride to explore the new features and check for apps that did not make the cut. So far, no problems. Do NOT update Snapseed if you have it installed. (If you have updated, try editing in the app and let me know how it responds. Most Recent Reviews in the App Store are not reporting success with edits!) 

iPad Pro circa January 2020 has also been updated to iPadOS 15 so I can check apps and features and update our Cheatsheet. This is slow going, too many distractions. 

On my devices the Settings > App Updates is OFF so I can review app changes/updates/compatibility before taping the Update button. More and more apps on our list are showing up as “optimized for 15” and  optimized for the new screen sizes of 13 Pro Max. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Upgrade time - Circa 2021

The upgrade path ahead - for me - is iPhone 11 Pro to iPhone 13 Pro and in two years I'll be doing this again so this post will help me remember the process. 

Watch 6 and 3 are paired to iPhone 11 Pro 
Wireless Service from AT&T 

Confirm Apple ID and password (or reset password) 

  1. Force a fresh Backup of current device 
  2. Settings > [apple ID/Name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup ON > Back Up Now 
  3. Power off the device and remove the wireless service SIM card (note position in tray)
  4. Now current device is an iPod Touch with only wifi 
  5. Open the SIM tray on the new device and insert the SIM and close the tray. 
  6. Prepare to plug-in both devices 
  7. Power on current device while plugged in
  8. Power on new device while plugged in 
  9. Wait for magic to appear on screen with instructions 
  10. Confirm home WiFi connection works 
  11. Put new device to sleep and wake it up to confirm Face ID / Passcode 
  12. Consider changing the name of new device - or add an emoji 
  13. Settings > General > About > Name 
  14. Connect new device to automobile sound systems and delete old devices from Bluetooth speakers
  15. Compare new iOS to previous iOS
  16. Open important apps to be sure they work 
  17. Open Contacts, Calendars, Mail and Safari to be sure content has migrated
  18. Confirm Apple Wallet and Apple Pay are working
  19. Confirm Apple Watch is connected, if appropriate 
  20. Connect new iPhone to BlueTooth speakers 
  21. Remove old iPhone from list of trusted devices 
  22. Connect iPhone 13 to iMac (Catalina) and test Image Capture download 
  23. Use PhotoSync for photo transfer to iMac and Dropbox 
  24. Update remaining camera and editing apps 
  25. Confirm new iPhone iCloud Backup is ON 
AT&T Wireless Services
  1. Review Apple article Transfer or convert your current SIM to an eSIM on your new iPhone
  2. Find unique IMEI number of new device 
  3. Settings > General > About > primary: IMEI 
  4. Activate/Transfer service by calling 611 on new device 
  5. Tell customer service agent new IMEI number 
  6. Update VoiceMail password 
  7. Next billing cycle see $30 new device activation one-time fee 
  8. Confirm cellular service works by turning off WiFi and connecting to a website
  9. Turn WiFi back on 
  10. The future of wireless is SIM-less  About eSIM on iPhone 
Trade-In Prep
Other reading and research 
Photography - For Comparison  
Take photos of the same subjects with both iPhones 
  • In full sun, shade, indoors
  • Use apps that capture in low light on old iPhone
  • Use Apple Camera for low light scene
  • Use apps that capture RAW photos
  • Turn on AppleProRAW on new iPhone Pro and capture same subjects
  • Toggle AppleProRAW off (to save space on device and in iCloud)
  • Use Camera+ 2 in Macro mode to take close-up photos
  • Use iPhone 13 Pro Apple Camera for close-up photos 
Make screenshots 
  • On both iPhones of the About screen to print and file for insurance record
  • On both iPhones for later comparison of resolution 
High Resolution Output
  • Open apps that preserve high quality output and export the same image from both devices for comparison
  • Add device and app name in the Caption field for each photo 
  • Check dimension, MP (mega pixels) and file size using PhotInfo, Metapho or PhotoSync
Experiment with New iOS 15 Features
  • Live Text 
  • What is different in the Photos app
  • How do editing apps open Photo Library for selecting photos
  •  ... 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Low Light and Night Photography

Apple introduced Deep Fusion for iPhone 11 models and iOS 13, expanding the "computational photography" to preserve details, textures and reduce noise in low light scenes. This is not a setting you turn on or off, but will happen automatically. The 9-to-5 Mac article Here’s how to find out when your iPhone 11 camera is using Deep Fusion features Metapho's ability to report on this feature back in November 2019.

The iPhone 12 Pro models stepped up with 2.5X telephoto lens and additional low-light enhancements.  Apple's article Shot on iPhone 12: Portraits, cityscapes, the night sky, is an inspirational gallery. Another resource is Use Night mode on your iPhone for iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 12 models. Also introduced was the AppleRAW option where capturing great detail in highlights and shadows. LiDAR assists in focusing in the dark. 

Read about A dramatically more powerful camera system. With the iPhone 13 Pro model Ultra Wide camera - Macro photography has come to the native Apple Camera, with a minimum focus range at 2 centimeters - just over 3/4 inch. Macro video, time-lapse and slow motion features have also been added to this 'camera bag.' LiDAR is available for all three cameras. The 3X telephoto is an upgrade and Photographic Styles have been added. 

Before watching the Shayne videos below, note that I'm still not recommending that you update the Snapseed app on iPhone or iPad. Most Recent reviews are complaining that the app freezes. 

As further inspiration - check out these YouTube videos by Shayne Mostyn. In addition to his tips on low-light photography, the demonstrations of processing his photos in Snapseed have taught me new tricks. 

Double exposure snapseed tutorial for iOS and Android  12:56 - double exposure and masking 

by Jenham's Astro 
Digiscoping the Orion Nebula using Binoculars and a Smartphone   13:53 - use an app with manual controls exposure controls 1sec at ISO 3000, change format to either TIF or RAW and set focus. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Will you upgrade to iPhone 13?

If you have an iPhone 11 or 12 then you might not be interested in the iPhone 13 announced by Apple on September 14th. But the lineup is awesome. Waiting for these iPhones to arrive is also why our seminar will not start until October 21/28. 

Pre-order using the Apple Store app on your iPhone or iPad. Choose the standard or professional, the screen size, on-board storage size and payment option. Consider the status of your iCloud storage when picking the on-board storage - you might increase your current subscription of cloud storage and not go for the top level of on-board storage.  

iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max - more pro than ever before - Apple's article details the advanced camera features. There is nitty-gritty techno-speak here, skip over the jargon to read about low-light capability, sensor-shift image stabilization, improved autofocus and, for the first time, macro photography in the native Apple Camera app. The presentation included example videos using artificial intelligence cinematic mode with rack-focusing. So much power in the palm of our hands. 

Compare iPhone Models by selecting your current iPhone and two other models. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Revving up for fall

Apple announcement set for Tuesday, 14, 2021at 10 am Pacific Time. 

New discoveries  

New videos - making space activities are teachable moments

Sunday, August 22, 2021

iCloud for Windows users

Apple has an online resource, iCloud for Windows User Guide, that should be required reading for anyone using a Windows computer. This guide provides links to download iCloud on your computer. 

Also for Mac/iOS users who have friends and family that use Windows. In our studio we use Shared Photo Albums and you'll want to read about cross-platform features. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Nice of you to drop by

Welcome! This is the website, actually a blog, for the Renaissance Society iPhone Photography Studio seminar. Our website is open to all who find this nook of the Internet. While active participants in the seminar will be the source of postings here, we welcome others to dive in, follow along and build your iPhone Photo Library into an amazing resource. 

Two resources to help you "see" what this seminar is all about: 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 coming this fall

Some of us are brave and sometimes we are careless. Actually, this applies to drinking cool-aid and updating your device's operating system ... too soon. 

Read the Apple 15 Preview and think how refreshing the cool-aid will be. Messages will stack multiple photos, Safari has a new fresh look, Live Text from any photo or camera image is cool, Photos now has Visual Look Up for more AI magic, Spotlight Search will find photos and more, Photos is also curating our memories in new ways, iCloud+ will replace existing iCloud storage plans and add privacy features ... 

Hidden in the full list of features is this gem: the Photos image picker interface will let us specify the order of photos in Messages ... and other sharing scenarios. 

After Apple announces the public OS is available - for free!, take care to review app updates BEFORE you update your OS. Make sure any critical apps are iOS15/iPadOS15 compatible before updating. 
Go to Settings > General > Software Update >  Automatic Updates > Install iOS Updates > OFF  (now the screen changes to Software Updates > Automatic Updates > Download Only). 

Once your critical/favorite apps have updated, and you have heard from classmates about their successful update experiences then ... go for it! 

The iPhone User Guide online version should reflect the latest info after the big announcement. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Percolator and TangledFX for Summer Play

Cynthia will give us some tips on using Percolator and Melissa will do the same with TangledFX at our August 12th Zoom get-together. These apps are wonderful steps in your workflow. Expect to export several images as you P L A Y with each app. Then you could blend the original and the altered photo in Image Blender or Pixelmator. Why not take the images into a collage app and then into Image Blender. Obviously, iPad storage is the only limitation here! 
Valentine Peter has posted his workflow tips on Flickr 

Some of the images posted to social media encourage us to expand our workflow, making many images and app stacking with more twists. We can be adventurous! Remember, our superpowers are Undo and Delete. 

Get ready to play on 8/12. Create a new album in Photos with example photos. Don't choose your favorites! Add photos with patterns, shapes, strong colors, contrast, landscape and people portraits. By not choosing favorite photos you give yourself license to experiment, push to extremes, go with the flow and let surprise be your guide. Then take your favorite results (capture screenshots of settings) and then apply to your favorite photos. 

Have you tuned into Cocktails with a Curator presented by The Frick Collection? The World program - July 23, 2021 fast forward to 40:12 to hear Karen Michelle discusses how this virtual event is coming to a close. But the recordings are still available. Chardin's Still Life with Plums is one of the offerings. 

Chalk It Up - Labor Day Weekend

Thanks to Karen for reporting that the three-day art and music festival for 2021 is back on! This is a fabulous photo opportunity! Just think of how many camera modes you can use wandering one square block! Think of the storytelling and collage opportunities. 

September 4, 5 and 6 at Fremont Park and other locations around Sacramento. 
My plan is to always go early each day while the temperatures are cool. Music, food trucks, vendors, and, the best of all, fun art appears before your eyes. 

Checkout the Chalk It Up Gallery 

"Chalk It Up! aims to empower and support the next generation of Sacramento artists through targeted art grants for young artists and the programs that inspire them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Summer Presentation

Beware when Allan Keown calls to request a summer presentation on smartphone photography. 

Well, it all worked out because Cynthia agreed to share the opportunity to show off some of the work inspired by this seminar. 

Checkout Spontaneous Creativity - Smartphone Photography page for the recording link and responses to questions posted to Chat.  Our audience was a mix of Android and iPhone users. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 coming soon

Any day now we might see a red badge on the Settings app. This indicates that there is something new. Dig into Settings > General > Software Update > ... 

This is an expected and anticipated change - especially for iPhone users -- unlock iPhone while wearing Apple Watch when wearing a mask. 

Watch for other changes as well. Privacy settings will adjust again. Our editing apps need access to ALL photos. 

Mac Finder - Tips from Elaine Giles

Somehow I got on a mailing list. Actually, this is a good list for me to listen live on Friday afternoons at 1 pm. They originate from the UK! You might just want to peruse Elaine's YouTube Channel and pick up topics of interest. Back in our library days we had a Macintosh File Management session. You can never get too many views of how to manage files. learn new things, keep using what helps. 

In MacBites After Hours #0125 on April 23, 2021 Elaine begins Part 1 of Mastering the macOS Finder at 02:40:00. I'm looking forward to part 2. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

New Challenge Shared Album

A new shared album has been created for those who want to participate in photo challenges. Invitations have been sent but might not arrive in your Apple ID email account or by iPhone phone number. Let me know to try again. Take care to post to the Imagine See Show shared album. 

The Spring 2021 seminar shared album will continue to be available until mid-October. The fall semester meet and greet is October 21st and the class start date is October 28th. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Looking for iPhone Video Basics

Looking for curious photographers who want to know more and are willing to share their learning journey with other Renaissance Society members. 

Ideal class would last 6 weeks and be lead by a team of 3 to 6 intermediate iPhone users interested in how video works on mobile devices. This team might begin practicing activities Fall 2021 and open the first seminar during the Spring 2022 semester. 

Explore the possibilities of iPhone videography over six meetings. This is an introductory seminar for iPhone and iPad owners interested in exploring the features video and audio communication. Agenda includes tips for shooting video, introduction to Apple iMovie and time to share your video projects. 

Topics for consideration by the team members 

Camera practice

  • Settings (Grid, Location, Available space) 
  • Modes (Video, SloMo, Time-lapse, Live, Burst,  etc) 
  • Stabilizing your camera (tripod or included lens stabilization) 
  • Wide, Medium and Close-up shots
  • iMovie Movie Trailers (scripted formulas) 

Photos practice 

  • Editing video clips in Photos app
  • Editing video clips in iMovie app 
  • Rotate video from portrait to horizontal
  • Crop - horizon-leveling 
  • Edit exposure 
  • Select frames
  • Import video files from other cameras
  • Share > email, messages, Shared Albums, AirDrop 
  • Share > Duplicate, Files, Copy iCloud link 

Additional topics 

  • Storytelling 
  • Add still photos and title cards 
  • Add a music sountrack 
  • Add audio narration 
  • Add media to Keynote, Pages 
  • Share > social media services 
  • Archive media assets and final project 

Looking for iPhone Photo Basics

Looking for curious photographers that want to know more and are willing to share their learning journey with other Renaissance Society members. 

Ideal class would last 6 weeks and be lead by a team of 3 to 6 intermediate iPhone photographers. Here are some suggestions: 

Explore the possibilities of iPhone photography and build muscle memory over six meetings. This is an introductory seminar for new iPhone and iPad owners interested in exploring the features of Apple Camera and Photos apps and the different ways photos are used on our iPhone and iPad. Free apps will be demonstrated and your Apple ID is required to download new apps. 

Topics for consideration

Camera practice

  • Settings (Grid, Location) 
  • Modes (Photo, Portrait, Pano, etc) 

Photos practice 

  • Editing 
  • Crop - horizon-leveling 
  • Edit > Revert (to original) 
  • Caption
  • Search
  • Faces 
  • Live and Burst 
  • Select (one or more, deselect) 
  • Favorites Album
  • My Albums (sequence photos) 
  • Share > email, messages, Shared Albums, AirDrop 
  • Share > Duplicate, Files, Copy iCloud link, Print 

Additional topics 

  • Add media to Keynote, Pages
  • Wallpaper > Home Screen, Lock Screen 
  • Contacts (add photo) 
  • Notes (scan document, add photo) 
  • Screenshots
  • Markup (Photos, Mail, Pages) 

Balancing on the Cutting Edge

Keeping up with the tech changes in our favorite camera is a challenge. Buying a new camera/storage device/computer every two years seems extreme - at least my grandmother would think so. A significant reason to upgrade every 4 years (or sooner) is to keep up with security. At some point, our old mobile devices will not update to current operating systems and be vulnerable to security breaches. 

In the palm of your hand is ... a computer, branch of your bank, library, calendar, telephone, photo albums and ... wait for it ... a great camera. 

Ways to upgrade your camera technology: 

  1. Buy a refurbished device from Apple at a slight discount. Add your veteran's discount or education discount when possible. 
  2. Use Apple Card to buy over time with 0% interest with option to upgrade after 12 months.
  3. Buy with a cellular carrier deal.
  4. Pay full price up front.
  5. Any of the above options with a trade-in of your current iPhone will lower the price. 
You're not ready to make the leap just now. But take 10 minutes to review your options. The paradigm for updating mobile technology has shifted to sooner, while there is trade-in value with your used device. Better yet, go ahead and chat with one of the online experts to get specifics about your needs and situation. But don't buy yet. Unless you are convinced this is the right time. 

Questions you want answered: 
  • Will the phone be "unlocked" and not exclusive to a specific cellular service? 
  • How will AppleCare be charged when using Apple Card to purchase over time? 
  • How will AppleCare be pro-rated if paid upfront and then trade-in at 1 year? 
  • ... 

Fall 2021 proposal

 iPhone Photography Experimental Studio (Pre-requisite needed)

For intermediate or advanced photographers; includes participant digital artwork demonstrations. Shared albums are our learning and critique platform. Visit public website for how-to videos, recent artwork galleries: New photo artists are comfortable with iOS basics and expect to purchase $25 in apps and prints. Requirements: iPhone 8 and up, Pro iPhone models; iOS 14, or 15 and AppleID. All enrollees go to WAITLIST until prerequisites checked by instructor. A computer is helpful to attend the Zoom meetings so your device is available for demonstrated activities. Zoom Meet & Greet on Oct 21 at 10 AM. 6 meetings, begin October 28th and end on December 9th. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Safari and Privacy

Back in November of 2019 Apple released a white paper called Safari Privacy Overview: Learn how the Safari web browser protects your privacy. in PDF form. With iOS 14.4.1 and on the verge of 14.5 we can expect a fresh version of this report soon. Topics include cross-site tracking, data sharing, private browsing, history, secure payments and more. 

Friday, March 5, 2021

From Ordinary to Spectacular

iPhone Photography School has done it again. Emil Pakarklis reminds us that the camera does not see what our eyes see and every photograph could be improved with post production editing. Checkout his free video: How to Use Photo Editing Apps to Make Ordinary Photos Look Spectacular. I like that he suggests watching the video on a computer or tablet and then editing on your iPhone. Snapseed is part of his workflow. 

Checkout iPhone Photography School for free tutorials and videos or sign up for online classes. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Apple Photos - iOS 13 white paper

Back in September 2019 Apple released a detailed PDF report on features in Photos: Private, on-device technologies to browse and edit photos and videos on iOS and iPadOS - it is a good review of editing features, views, the user interface and privacy.

Privacy - iOS14 and iPadOS14

The Apple brand has embraced user privacy and we see this in the current version of our operating system. Expect additional changes in the future. 

After the iOS14.x and iPadOS14.x update, when you open a photo editing app you will be prompted to select photos to edit with the app or allow access to you photo library. 

"If an app requests access to your photos, you can choose which images you’d like to share without granting access to your entire library. Or if an app wants to add a photo to your library, you can allow it to do so without accessing your photos. You can also choose to grant an app general access to your photos."

What if you give minimal access and then change your mind and want to edit additional ... all photos with this app? You can make changes in the Settings app. Here is the path: 

Settings > Privacy > Photos > app name > All Photos 

Read this page for more information on privacy from the Apple viewpoint. Including the following white papers: 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Listen Up

Here are some podcast episodes featuring photography and editing for your listening pleasure. You might subscribe to the podcasts or just listen to the episodes that interest you. 

PhotoActive #81 iPhone 12 Pro

PhotoActive #83 RAW and ProRAW on iPhone 

PhotoActive #84 Editing Shadows and Highlights  

The Digital Story - Podcast Archive 

Also a book mentioned in our conversations

Learning to See: A Novel of Dorothea Lange, the Woman Who Revealed the Real America by Elise Hooper -  

On the Libby app with Library Card or at Amazon 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Your Next (iPhone) Camera

Some members of this seminar have upgraded to iPhone 12 while others are (happily) using earlier models. When researching your next camera read all you can. Here are the links and highlights at this moment. Read the linked articles and then compare your priorities to the following camera specs.

MacRumors: iPhone 12 Pro includes links and features.

Camera app maker Halide has details on how ProRAW works, and photographer Austin Mann has a guide on when you should use it.

iPhone 12 Pro and x12 Pro Max details:  
  • larger sensor = improvement in low light
  • 4x optical zoom - Max 5x optical zoom 
  • dual optical image stabilization
  • Max supports sensor-shift optical image stabilization - cuts down on camera shake and blur 
  • night mode available for the front-facing TrueDepth camera and the Ultra Wide camera
  • Deep Fusion is available for all cameras 
  • Smart HDR 3 feature brings more true-to-life images
  • support for ProRAW, offering full control over color, detail, and dynamic range 
  • LiDAR Scanner enables Night mode portraits 
  • improved Portrait mode 
Use iPhone 12 Pro to Create Amazing Floral Photos is a fun read with inspiring examples for using Portrait Mode.  

Shot on iPhone 12: Portraits, Cityscapes, the Night Sky and more is an article on for all iPhone models. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Journeys and Journals

Take a few minutes to review the Journals of Discoveries resources contributed by participants 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Fall 2020 Gallery

Our studio members continue to explore possibilities and inspire each other to create fun, meaningful and sophisticated images. Our Fall 2020 Gallery has been posted to YouTube.  

Use the Search feature on the right side bar to find our previous galleries. The Search feature is found when viewing this site on an iPad or computer. (On an iPhone you can scroll to the bottom of the page and tap on the View Web Version link. Get out your magnifying glass.)

Glad you stopped by to review the prerequisites

iPhone Photography Experimental Studio (Pre-requisite needed)

This seminar includes participant demonstrations where experienced photographers use iPhone apps to create digital artwork. Online demonstrations with shared albums serve as our learning and critique platforms. This semester we continue using apps for computer migration and reporting exposure metadata. Visit our public website for demonstration videos, recent artwork galleries, and seminar details at New photo studio artists should be at ease with iOS basics and expect to purchase $25 in apps and prints. Requirements: iPhone 7, 8, X, XR, XS, 11, 11Pro, 12, 12Pro; iOS 13 or 14, AppleID. An iPad is helpful for editing images. This is NOT a beginner photography seminar. All enrollees go to WAITLIST and will be contacted by instructor to check prerequisites mentioned above. A computer is helpful to attend the Zoom meetings so you can use your iPhone or iPad for demonstrated activities. Zoom Meet & Greet on Feb 4 at 10 AM. Six meetings planned (optional meetings for updates).

NEW PARTICIPANTS read the Prep page to see if your iPhone is ready. Review the Apps page to see if you already have some of our favorite apps. Additional conversation is required for new participants.