
(Revised June 13, 2022)
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Requirements for this course include photographic experience and technology skills.

Participants in this class will be keeping up with current versions of the iOS operating system, your devices should be running iOS 13 and better yet, iOS 14 (released September 2020).

Photographic Experience
  • Familiarity with DSLR or mirrorless cameras with Manual, Aperture, Shutter controls; ISO and EV+- settings, lens choices including Macro. 
  • Post production editing on a computer using software like iPhoto, Photos, Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator and similar packages. 
Technology Skills
Do you have an iPhone that will work for this seminar? We suggest that the iPhone 8 is the oldest model appropriate for this activity due to advanced features in more recent models. We "hope" but cannot confirm until our first meeting. Our demonstrations will be based on the newest operating system, iOS 15.x and many participants have iPhone Xs, XR, XS, 11 Pro, 12 Pro and 13 Pro devices. Participants will surely suggest additional apps for purchase considerations.
One of the critical issues in iPhone Photography is having available space to store new photographs and edited versions. Storage will remain a focus for our for the current semester. Remember back in the day when photos were stored in the back of a cupboard or closet in multiple shoeboxes? Bring that analog memory into the digital age.

Review these articles to see tips to help you recover space.
  • Cult of Mac: How to save iPhone storage by limiting the Messages app, April 2016 
  • Melissa reports a shocking discovery! I listen and manage my audio books using the Audible app, but when I download them to my computer iTunes automatically opens and stores the books. The audio files are also copied to my iPhone! Urgggh. Settings > Music > Downloaded Music (10.7 GB) > Edit ... select books to delete and recover space. 
  • See our hints for Migrate to Computer page. 
Apple ID - The key to all services on iPhone revolve around your user identification.
CRITICAL SETTINGS: Our class uses the Apple Shared Photos service. If you are not yet sharing photos this way, then read about it and get on board. You are in control of what is shared. Viewing your iCloud Photos Offline is offered by iMore, 2015. Windows computer users might start with Windows Central article on How to setup and use iCloud Photos Windows 10 from 2017.

Online Coaches
  • YouTube has many wonderful iPhone photographer channels with techniques to blow your mind. Open the YouTube app or use a web browser. Find the Search feature. Type the app you want to know more about, i.e. "Waterlogue and iPhone" where I just learned something new (Waterlogue settings are hidden in the Share sheet). Way to start the 2020 decade! 
  • Social Media often has hashtags to help identify apps. Explore.  

Handy Accessories

Battery Life
When you come to class, be sure your iPhone has a full charge. Since our class is a 2-hour session, you might not need to recharge, but having a cable and charge port in your car will be helpful for all occasions. To save battery life, you can turn on Airplane Mode and turn Brightness down using the Control Center buttons. Also, turn on Do Not Disturb in Control Center.

Charging Brick
There are various USB rechargeable units that will boost your power on any extended photo shoot. The small bricks are preferable over a long USB cord back to your vehicle.

Camera Stabilization
You already have a tripod, maybe two. Do you have a small sized tripod that would be ideal for your iPhone? Since the iPhone does not have a tripod screw, you will need something to grip the iPhone. Or grip the iPhone in it's protective case. Consider a selfie-stick at the Dollar Store where the compression grip can be disconnected then added to a tripod.

Cable Release & Self Timer
Most camera apps include a self-timer mode so you are not tapping (giggling) the camera while taking a photo. On an iPhone the sound volume buttons also act as shutter release buttons. The ear bud headphones that came with your phone have volume buttons as well – and act as a cable release. There could be other Bluetooth shutter controls available (including the Apple Watch).

Other charging, stabilization and release options exist. Bring your solutions to share.

Additional Suggestions

Adobe ID - It is free. You have one if you've purchased Adobe software, and you want an Adobe ID if you read or listen to books from the public library using the Libby or Overdrive app. Adobe offers many iOS apps and they can connect you to Creative Cloud for seamless (?) connectivity with your desktop computer Adobe software for a monthly subscription.