Search Your Photo Library

Search your library like a pro. The following article was written by Niel Nielsen to accompany his demonstration. 

iPhone/iPad class – The Basics... How and what to search 
 "For those who did not make albums but wished they did.." 

Extremely powerful search capability exists in your iPhone/iPad. You can find just about any photograph you have taken or downloaded in the past. Pictures you have personally taken or those which you have downloaded Click on Photos app on your iPhone/iPad, go to you search bar and type in requested information. Use specific as well as general search parameters. 

Here are just a few ideas and examples:
You will have several choices – moments, people, places, categories, groups, recently searched 

Your key is to limit your search parameters because you are going to search the entire photo library on your iPhone or iPad each time you conduct a search – both good and bad. Once a parameter is highlighted, add the next parameter (no space between search terms). 

Here are some very helpful hints to help you conduct your search. You can search by locations/places, such as: city, states, country, time of day. 
  • Locations: Sacramento, Korea, Santa Fe, night, events
  • States: Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Canada
You can search: objects, things, waterfalls, oceans, rivers, lakes, people, trees
  • For example: trucks, cars, dogs, animals, sunsets
You can search by dates:
  • Easy 2001-2010 Type first date and the “-“ the second date and photos taken during that period will be displayed. 
  • Pre-pandemic (just kidding) 
You can type in named people or just photos of people and conduct a search. You can type in Moments:
  • For example: trips, meals, theme parks, events, kids, parties
You can type in a named person (family member, friend)
  • For example, in my case: Janice, Holly. 
Remember to add Captions to photos because this text will show up in your Search results.


  • Night pictures 2009 – 2021 Solution (2009 – 2015 night)
  • Ocean pictures in Monterey
  • Solution (Monterey ocean) Be watchful for recommendations made by your phone (Pt. Lobos et al)
Easy to perform search parameters. You can find what you are looking for if you take a few minutes and search general as well as specific topics. Once you find your targeted search items, you can isolate, email, delete, make copies, and you can now make photo albums.