Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Confirm Camera App Settings

A camera is a camera, whether it is a point-and-shoot, a DSLR, mirrorless or smartphone. After exploring your camera for new features ... or in new situations then it is time to review all your settings and return to your preferred workflow. Now you are ready for a quick shot without confusion. [Reminder to self!]

Make your own version of this Camera Apps Settings list:
Apple Camera [HEIF]
Camera+ 2 [Macro Preset | TIFF ] [Other Preset | RAW + TIFF separate images
SlowShutter [TIFF]
ProCamera [TIFF]
Obscura [RAW-DNG]
Moment [RAW-DNG]
Halide [RAW-DNG]
Hydra [HiRes 32MP | TIFF]

You will notice that most of the cameras are taking TIFF and RAW-DNG images. Two things to keep in mind before you follow my workflow: 1) these are large files and I do not expect to keep them on my iPhone indefinitely; 2) DNG photographs need to be processed to look their best and then a saved copy can remain on the iPhone. If storage space on your device is low, change your camera settings to save in HEIF or high quality JPEG.

This afternoon I'll be taking a set of photos with each app and then looking at the metadata with Metapho to see how the camera app is referenced. This will establish a baseline, and each time an app gets an update or when iOS is updated this test could be repeated.