iPhone Photographic Studio
Past studio enrollees invite 8 new members to join our adventure. We endeavor to use our iPhones to their fullest capacity, so you know digital photography and you know the ins-and-outs of your iPhone and are willing to purchase $25 in apps and services. You must be available for our field trip on Feb 22, 2024. Online shared albums are our critique and learning platform. Our public website continues to provide informative articles, demonstration videos, and examples of our artwork at https://rsiphonephotostudio.blogspot.com
A draft ... for now. Submitting on 10/30/23
- Meet and Greet on Zoom 2/8
- Intro on Zoom 2/15
- Field trip 2/22 <<< required for all
- Editing on Zoom 2/28
- Styling and more editing on Zoom 3/7
- Styling and more editing on Zoom 3/14
- Styling and more editing on Zoom 3/21